
System Components#

Strictly schematic and keeping track of different pieces. Not indicative of code structure and definitely not final

graph subgraph data direction TB Schema Triples Translation Codec end Schema -->|Models| Triples Codec <-->|Read/Write| Triples External[External Data] --> Codec External --> Translation Translation <-->|Maps Between| Schema subgraph peer direction TB Identity Instance Beacon end Identity -->|Has Many| Instance Beacon -->|Indicates| Identity Triples -->|Stored By| Instance subgraph social Federation Permissions Sharding end Schema -->|Defines| Federation

Rough Roadmap#

Enough to get us to SfN for now…

gantt dateFormat YYYY-MM section Data Modeling and Transfer Write Container Draft Spec :active, container, 2023-06, 2M Experiment with basic Networking components :networking, 2023-07, 2M Translate NWB Schema : trans, after container, 1M Codec for hdf5 :codec1, after container, 1M Webseeds with HTTP/S3: webseed, after trans, 1M


Triple Data Model#

erDiagram TRIPLE { id subject id predicate id object } CONTAINER { str content_hash str container_hash str version_hash str name id creator int timestamp array capabilities } CONTAINER ||--|{ TRIPLE : hashes
  • content_hash - hash of contained triple graph, after resolution

  • container_hash - original hash of content_hash and metadata of container when first created

  • version_hash - the version of this particular instance of the container, excluding container_hash - should be equal to container_hash when first instantiating.


graph TB Root Root --> D1Root subgraph Dataset1 direction TB D1Root D1Meta D1Name D1Date D1Etc D1Root --> D1Meta D1Meta --> D1Name D1Meta --> D1Date D1Meta --> D1Etc end Root --> Imported subgraph Vocabs Imported[Imported Schema] Term1 Imported --> Term1 end

Types of references and means of identifying

  • Absolute (hash of a container): Containers are the only uniquely identifiable thing in the network. Everything else has to be done relative to them.

  • Relative (resolve against the containing context)

  • Container: . -> pred -> obj - links that describe the container.

  • External: How to refer to some external but otherwise identifiable thing? eg. How do I identify that I am making a translation layer for numpy when they aren’t involved with p2p-ld at all? I should be able to use a variety of tactics - eg. I should be able to say pypi:numpy and then in turn identify pypi by URI. If someone else declares it by saying url:numpy and referring to their homepage, for example, then later we can declare those things as equal

Resolving Cycles

  • The identity is the root node of the graph, so do a breath-first

Resolving names How do we go from an external hash to another object? Our peer should be able to hydrate every content hash into an author:hash pair so that our downloading peer knows who to ask about shit. Or if we are the owner of that thing they know they can ask us for an additional container.


Just a stub to check if mermaid works

erDiagram IDENTITY { string hash } INSTANCE { string ip string client } BEACON { string uri } IDENTITY ||--o{ INSTANCE : runs BEACON }o--|{ INSTANCE : links BEACON }o--|| IDENTITY : represents

Graph Data Model#

  • Triplets

  • Containers

  • Codecs

Random notes#